Although we love seeing our patients, many injuries and conditions can be prevented!
Our blog includes tips and advice for healthy feet.
How to Choose Shoes That Fit Well
Several foot conditions may originate from shoes that fit incorrectly. Hammertoes, corns, and bunions are among the ailments that may develop from shoes fitting improperly. Additionally, imbalances involving the body’s muscles may be affected, possibly allowing the...
What do Running, Jumping and Football All Have in Common?
Most athletes at some point will sustain a foot or ankle injury which may become a chronic, ongoing condition possibly affecting different parts of the foot. Symptoms of an ankle sprain may be swelling, tenderness, and bruising in addition to experiencing intense...
Why Do My Feet Sweat?
If you notice damp footprints while walking barefoot or sweat that’s ruining your shoes, you may have a condition called plantar hyperhidrosis. In layman's terms, it’s excessive sweating of the feet. Sweating is a normal and necessary bodily function, eliminating...
Treatment for Hammertoes
One common cause of the condition known as hammertoe is wearing shoes that don’t fit correctly. When the toes are in a cramped position for an extended period of time, it’s natural for the muscles of the toes to become shorter, causing the toes to lock into a curved...